The world's best sports bettors don't stop at Point Spreads or Total Points. They also shop Alternative Lines and Props to maximize their profit potential on every bet they make.
There are many benefits to line shopping. Much like driving to a different gas station to get lower prices can save you tens of dollars a month, line shopping can give you small edges that add up over time.
How It Works
In the best online sports betting Singapore sites, you can use a variety of tools to comparison shop odds and lines. This will help you determine whether a particular sportsbook has better odds for a specific game.
Taking the time to shop for lines is an essential part of a successful sports betting strategy, and it's especially important in futures markets. You want to find a better deal upfront so that you can hedge as the season progresses.
How It Can Affect Your Long-Term Betting Success
The majority of bettors tend to place their bets on favorites without much research or analysis. This can be a great opportunity for those who have the patience and ability to find the best price.
However, this strategy can also be detrimental to your long-term success if you don't have the time or inclination to keep shopping for lines. By comparing the odds at multiple sportsbooks, you can find the best deals on your favorite team and maximize your winnings.
The difference between a moneyline of -105 and -110 may not seem like much, but it can add up over the course of a 250-game season. Professional'sharp' bettors try to maintain a 53-56% winning percentage, and three games could be the difference between falling out of that range or staying within it.